Love, Romance, You

A courier came with roses from my darling Pepijn
My newest addition...

Treated myself to an afterwork with Chanels IT-colour á les printemps 2011, comme baume pour un âme fatigué de travail.
Best fix-up-your-garden tip ever...
"Wavegardens grundare kommer att vara i Varberg under Coastal Culture den 13 - 15 maj! Läs hela press release här:"!!!.aspx

Jordy, Bobby and friends @ Wavegarden from wavegarden on Vimeo.
Girls rock!
I love watching women's surfing and I wish it got more attention in online reporting so that it would be more accessible to the big masses. Therefore it's time for me to start giving some blog-lovin' to a couple of female surfers. Here's the highlights from the Roxy Pro - Gold Coast, check out more from the contest on and get inspired.
Dagens: rockar med Katzenjammer, yeaa :)
Solen skiner och himlen är blå...
... vad det är härligt att leva då! Termometern i köksfönstret visar dryga 20 grader i solen, snart är våren här!
Finaste Älsklingen...

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...and memories of summer.
Long walks, skatås, café lunches and pocket shopping! (Then the occational workday but thats all old news...). Today we were at lush shopping for bath bombs and soap, where Pep got to practise his swedish a little bit. I think there were 4 people working and they all came up to try and get him out of his confused face.
- If you look up questionmark in a dictionary there'd be a picture of pep at lush.

Nice clothes and heartbreaking-gross story from 2008. See if you havn't already.
In the south of Holland people dress up(well, in Bergen op zoom people dress down but whatever...) they go out, sing, and heaps of bands walk the street with their instruments...
Little taste of what it could look like... But since my camera went dead I couldn't capture the crazyness myself :/

Not quite the same as the dress-up parties in Luleå which I kinda miss... But I've heard that in Eindhoven, people dress up as someone...So, if I'm in Holland around this time next year, that's where I'll be... Old curtains smell too freakin' nasty(sorry sweetie...)