The Amsterday
Almost like Göteborg...
Joining all the other artists and painters before us, and visit Rijksmuseeum.
This guy had put his teeny-tiny truc outside the museeum to give love to the people. And although he might not have put on his happiest face today he made some really GOOD coffee!
And since no pics allowed in museeum we move on to P.C.Hooftstraat!
Bikes, everywhere bikes!
And then, at last;
...P was let into a bookstore of three to four stories,
where he fraternized for about 1 hour before dinner...
Amsterdam, see you again soon!
Amsterdam centraal 12:35
And a coffee to go...
... Amsterdam, to be continued!
On the road again...
Dirty Belgium...
First, or second class, in Belgium and the Netherlands noone can tell. Tried to take a picture of 1st class but it was too dark and the walls were too red to photograph with my camera...
Time to go
So, now I have finally squeezed all my stuff and my dear friend Calculus into the bag and it is almost time to leave. Happy to be going southwards this time as it is 0 degrees and quite windy here. Also looking forward to be seeing my surfboard again and the great Mr Swagemakers♥
♭ ♪ ♬ Pack it up pack it in
Singingly, hummingly putting together outfits for the weekend-trip in my little bag. Smaller the better as I will be boarding cheap-air-dot-com. Obvious things on the packing list(have been longing to make a list!) are; noanoa dress, camera and scarves. The latter I usually fill up with to reach weight restrictions, although minimum for a weekend is 5 scarves. Am I right!?
So from tomorrow there will be a few hectic days, field studies for the business and inspirational excursions, all captured with a sofie-proof camera and parts of it possibly decorating the blogg.
So, be seeing you!
Cold weather = Expensive products
The past year's cold weather is making juice a luxury product. Cold weather in Florida equals expensive orange juice, cold weather in china means high priced apple juice. The price of one liter Tropicana went up 22% according to Having in mind that Europe was hit by cold fronts all winter we might have to expect prices for many products to rise on this market aswell. Maybe prices will go up so much it will be really easy to get ready for beach 2011...
Farm for sale
So, it is going to happen... Mixed emotions or not the farm is being sold. Tidying up ALL DAY for showing to prospective buyers...
Business not as usual
My little brother is home for a few days which resulted in this year's golf premiere yesterday and as we had movie-watching yesterday until 2am this day has had a slow start.
Now I'm getting started on some work with business strategy today, trying to formulate a more specific concept. But due to the tired head I am spending much time getting inspiration from the website that always gets me going if I feel lazy:
This year is the year of plan A, fulfill dreams and letting go of training wheels.
Längdskidåkning i söder
Trodde kanske att man skulle börja åka längdskidor när man bodde i Luleå, men icke, det krävdes en flytt tillbaka till Göteborg för att man ska ta sig ut i spåren. Härligt var det iallafall, ljust, soligt och inte -30 grader utan -2. Repris? Ja tack!
Pepijn visited Sweden this weekend. Friday was housewarming at Elin's appartment in Majorna and Saturday we went to Båtmässan. All the sailboats and boatpeople allows for dreaming away, so only question is: When are we sailing around the world? I know for a fact that I will do so one day!
'Til then, enjoying some hotdogs
Pepijn visited Sweden this weekend. Friday was housewarming at Elin's appartment in Majorna and Saturday we went to Båtmässan. All the sailboats and boatpeople allows for dreaming away, so only question is: When are we sailing around the world? I know for a fact that I will do so one day!
'Til then, enjoying some hotdogs